Righteous Rituals


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We are dedicated to encouraging and illuminating others on their spiritual journey fostering a culture of prayer, praise and worship of God. Prayers grounded in humility, by having a personal space for individuals to worship reverentially. The surrendering of our outer garments (flesh) and the submission of our minds (souls) is symbolized by the act of humbly kneeling in prayer as we communion with the Spirit and journey within, with a profound connection of ‘divine oneness’.

Righteous Rituals


Kneeling is a gesture of obedience, subservience and reverence. This position has a way of connecting the body, heart and mind to our Spiritual Source.  A kneeling posture promotes humility and a holy-intention.

Humbleness is truly a fundamental attitude of prayer. Kneeling encompasses the spirit of contriteness and homage. As we surrender ourselves before Him, we recognize that we are nothing and depend on Him for our every existence.

We’re constantly bombarded by worldly ideology, inundated with spiraling thoughts, over stimulated by carnal salacious innuendos, battling mental anguish etc.  We are in spiritual warfare every moment of the day. So, you can see why it is imperative to dedicate a set time/place to Pray, Praise and Worship our Savior.

It is not enough to pray when we get a chance or as we drift off to sleep at night. We need to recognize that these times call for a more powerful, devotional approach. Praying on bended knee is referred to over thirty times in the Bible. Scriptures plead with us to assume this pose for a reason. Our sincerest desire is that this prayer pad enables you to enter His throne room in a comfortable, reverential pose.

“Fight all your battles, On your knees.”

“When life gives you more than you can stand….Kneel.”

“When circumstances knock you down to your knees, You’re in the perfect position to pray!”

We serve an awesome God who created us to Pray, Praise and Worship Him. I pray that you have a truly blessed day, week, month, season and life. Let’s win this battle together. Enjoy your personal prayer pad.

Blessings Galore. From Our Spirit to Yours,

Team Righteous Rituals